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asp.net C 适用于多个用户的EWS通知中心

发布时间:2023-12-16 12:51:47 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:DaWei
导读: 我正在尝试创建一个服务来将交换通知推送到asp.net应用程序,最终使用SignalR.









using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2); service.Url = new Uri("https://server/EWS/Exchange.asmx"); service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user","pass","domain"); SetStreamingNotifications(service); while (true) { } } static void SetStreamingNotifications(ExchangeService service) { // Subscribe to streaming notifications on the Inbox folder,and listen // for "NewMail","Created",and "Deleted" events. StreamingSubscription streamingsubscription = service.SubscribeToStreamingNotifications( new FolderId[] { WellKnownFolderName.Calendar,WellKnownFolderName.Inbox },EventType.Created,EventType.Modified); StreamingSubscriptionConnection connection = new StreamingSubscriptionConnection(service,9); connection.AddSubscription(streamingsubscription); // Delegate event handlers. connection.OnNotificationEvent += new StreamingSubscriptionConnection.NotificationEventDelegate(OnEvent); connection.OnSubscriptionError += new StreamingSubscriptionConnection.SubscriptionErrorDelegate(OnError); connection.OnDisconnect += new StreamingSubscriptionConnection.SubscriptionErrorDelegate(OnDisconnect); connection.Open(); Console.WriteLine("--------- StreamSubscription event -------"); } static private void OnDisconnect(object sender,SubscriptionErrorEventArgs args) { // Cast the sender as a StreamingSubscriptionConnection object. StreamingSubscriptionConnection connection = (StreamingSubscriptionConnection)sender; // Ask the user if they want to reconnect or close the subscription. ConsoleKeyInfo cki; Console.WriteLine("The connection to the subscription is disconnected."); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to reconnect to the subscription? Y/N"); while (true) { cki = Console.ReadKey(true); { if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { connection.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connection open."); break; } else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.N) { // The ReadKey in the Main() consumes the E. Console.WriteLine("nnPress E to exit"); break; } } } } static void OnEvent(object sender,NotificationEventArgs args) { StreamingSubscription subscription = args.Subscription; // Loop through all item-related events. foreach (NotificationEvent notification in args.Events) { switch (notification.EventType) { case EventType.NewMail: Console.WriteLine("n-------------Mail created:-------------"); break; case EventType.Created: Console.WriteLine("n-------------Item or folder created:-------------"); break; case EventType.Deleted: Console.WriteLine("n-------------Item or folder deleted:-------------"); break; } // Display the notification identifier. if (notification is ItemEvent) { // The NotificationEvent for an e-mail message is an ItemEvent. ItemEvent itemEvent = (ItemEvent)notification; Console.WriteLine("nItemId: " + itemEvent.ItemId.UniqueId); } else { // The NotificationEvent for a folder is an FolderEvent. //FolderEvent folderEvent = (FolderEvent)notification; //Console.WriteLine("nFolderId: " + folderEvent.FolderId.UniqueId); } } } static void one rror(object sender,SubscriptionErrorEventArgs args) { // Handle error conditions. Exception e = args.Exception; Console.WriteLine("n-------------Error ---" + e.Message + "-------------"); } } } 解决方法 我解决这个问题的方法是:



/// <summary> /// Impersonate one user at a time and without using the autodiscovery method to find the proper url for the userSmtp,/// and copy the provided url to the usersmtp. /// </summary> /// <param name="url"> </param> /// <param name="userSmtp">user smtp</param> /// <param name="enableTrace">to enable logging from the XML tracing </param> /// <param name="exchangeVersion">Exchange server version used</param> private Uri ImpersonateUser(Uri url,string userSmtp,bool enableTrace,ExchangeVersion exchangeVersion) { Uri result = url; var log = "ImpersonateUser n"; try { log += "0/8 Checking services redundancyn"; if (Services.ContainsKey(userSmtp)) { Services.Remove(userSmtp); } log += "1/8 Create a new service for " + userSmtp + "n"; var service = new ExchangeService(exchangeVersion); log += "2/8 Get credentials for the servicen"; var serviceCred = ((System.Net.NetworkCredential)(((WebCredentials)(Services.First().Value.Credentials)).Credentials)); log += "3/8 Assign credentials to the new servicen"; service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(serviceCred.UserName,serviceCred.Password); log += "4/8 TraceEnabled is" + enableTrace.ToString() + "n"; service.TraceEnabled = enableTrace; log += "5/8 Get the Url for the service with AutodiscoverUrl n"; service.Url = url; log += "6/8 Assign a new ImpersonatedUserId to the new service for" + userSmtp + "n"; service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress,userSmtp); try { log += "7/8 Validating the impersonationn"; RuleCollection rulecoll = service.GetInboxRules(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logDevice.LogSrvMessage(1,"ExchangeLiteService: ImpersonateUser: failed to validate the impersonation for {0}n Exception: {1}n",userSmtp,ex.Message); int hr = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetHRForException(ex); if (hr == -2146233088) // We do not have right to impersonate this user. { result = null; return result; } else { _logDevice.LogSrvMessage(1,"ExchangeLiteService: ImpersonateUser(2): trying to resolve {0} with Autodiscover instead...",userSmtp); result = ImpersonateUser(userSmtp,enableTrace,exchangeVersion); } } log += "8/8 Adding the service n"; if (!Services.ContainsKey(userSmtp)) { Services.Add(userSmtp,service); _logDevice.LogSrvMessage(1,"ExchangeLiteService: ImpersonateUser(2): {0} has been impersonatedn",service.ImpersonatedUserId.Id); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logDevice.LogSrvMessage(1,"ExchangeLiteService: ImpersonateUser(2): exception {0}n The exception occured after the following steps: n{1}",ex.Message,log); } return result; }


